Waffle Patterns "Caramel Coat" Winter Version

Welcome to the very first project post on my new blog! It is going to take some time to make this place feel more like home (I have a lot of work to do) but I just can't wait to post pretty things!

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched

I really didn't think I was going to finish this project this winter. But with all the additional snow we've been getting in Jersey, it was slight motivation to finish it up! I had been stalking this pattern for months and every time it popped up, my want for it grew. I finally gave in to the adorableness and pulled out some fabric that's been in my stash.

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched

I started this well over two months ago. Other projects got in the way and the fabric I chose kept getting on my nerves. But last week I made the final push and sewed on the last button!

A few comments: This pattern is wonderful. Sizing was great, next time I would make the sleeve width a little smaller (it is meant to be larger). The original pattern is made for a shorter coat, but as this is meant to be a winter coat, I increased the hem by 5" and while I didn't wind up using that full 5 I'm definitely glad I added the extra length.

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched

I bought this purple/black/white woven wool years ago from Joann Fabrics, and happens to be one of the most expensive fabrics I've ever bought (and will never buy again because it is a pain to work with) It was meant for a different project but once that plan fell through, I've had these yards just sitting in my stash. This is lined with a beautiful solid purple knit to match the exterior (sorry not pictured). As lovely as the lining was, it was difficult to attach it to the exterior and I had a good few hours of struggle to get it to sit right.

There will come a time in my sewing career when I will have made this coat at least four times- one for every season. I highly recommend Waffle Patterns. I'm looking at the vest for a future sew but have a few other projects to get to first...

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched

Purple Coat- Trish Stitched


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